Booking made easier

Eyes on Petone has recently updated its online booking system, to make it easier for you to find a time with us.

Go to or scan the QR code with your mobile.

From there, click the drop-down boxes for the type of appointment, whether you want the next available time or a specific day, choose the staff member you want to see, and then fill out your contact details.

You’ll get a text or e-mail confirmation when you book, and a reminder the day before your appointment.

Our booking system is now integrated with the software we use to record your eye test results and any lenses we’ve prescribed, so it all fits together for a better experience.

Once your appointment is finished, you can even book a follow-up in 6 months, 1 year or 2 years (our staff will advise you of the right time to come back).


Eyes on Petone loves WOW


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